Address: 23, Alpomish str., Termez, Uzbekistan
Built year: The hotel is located 1 km from the city center. Distance to: Airport - 7 km, Station - 2 km
Number of rooms: 50
Location: Meridian Hotel is situated one km from the city center and a...
Hotel «ASSON» is located in the city center in 15 minutes from the international airport, 10 minutes from auto station and 5 minutes from the train station. The accommodation are provided in 4-stroyed building with 83 rooms for 130 persons (33 Sing...
If you are in search of an elegant three star hotel in Termez, Surkhandarya Province, that’s replete with luxurious finishes, grand interiors and staff on hand to satisfy your every whim, look no further than the B&B Hotel Silk Road Termez, a l...
«Surxon Hotel » in the city of Termez was put into operation in 1988. The convenient location of the hotel (only 1 km from the railway station and 11 km from the international airport of Termez) allows you to effectively organize business and touri...